2nd January 2010
Went to Roopi Medical Centre again for my appointment. This time my mum did follow us together. Waited there around 30mins then was my turn, both 3 of us was so nervous at that time as we will gonna know our twins gender soon.
Waited another 10mins then Dato' Doctor Roopi came in and start the normal check up. This time both baby position was different.
Baby 1: In sitting position. Covered himself with leg and hand by sitting quietly inside the placenta. No matter how the doctor scan still can't know the gender. Doctor only measure the size of head, tummy and the little small leg. Besides, Doctor Roopi also said that my first baby position is very important as he/she determine that whether I can go for C-sec or natural birth. Hope my first baby by that time is in correct position so mummy can go for natural birth.
Baby 2: Active compared to the 1st. Keep changed the position and doctor said both of them are very comfortable with their space. As usual, measure the size of 2nd baby tummy, head and the little leg. This time, I can saw the baby leg and tummy very clear, really cute. Second attemp, found out the 2nd baby changed the position again and this time on top on the 1st baby, make it look like a "T" in the screen, funny huh....after a while doctor told us was a boy. At last we know the 2nd baby gender. Welcome to our fantasy world.
Note: Each baby is having their own placenta so which mean my twins is not identical and not sharing the same placenta.
This checking I was put on 2 kgs weight but doctor said still acceptable as my size not look like having a twins. For her, I just look like a normal pregnancy for 1 baby. Hope next check up can know the 1st baby gender and I wish is a gal since so quiet inside the placenta. Really happy to meet my twins during this check up, at least I know that both of them are healthy.
Mummy and Daddy loveyou both so much.