Here is the free 50% discount voucher.
Terms & Conditions:
1. Voucher valid till 8-5-09, upon presentation of original voucher.
2. Voucher is not valid with other promotions and discounts.
3. Voucher is not exchangeable with cash.
4. Free treament only valid woth purchase of any of above items.
5. We reserve the right to change or withdraw the promotion withou prior notice.
I wonder why they still give out this voucher while they had set the rules No.5. There is no point if they changes their mind to end this promotion early but if any of us who got this voucher decide to use it on April. Is this mean I have to call up and inform them I need to use this voucher by next month so please don't end this promotion early?
what u want to do?
Rebonding ar?
Where is the place ar?
When are u going?
Maybe we can meet there, cos i can wash my hair there. And we can meet up like rich tai tai....
Muahahaha....The saloon is at the Plaze Sinar (1st floor of Old Town White Coffee). My hubby said is somewhere the Sri Sinar there. Me still don't know when want to go ler. This month out of budget already...poor tai tai
Wah, better use it quick loh! So so? What you gonna do? Rebonding? Digital perm?
My hair only can go for rebonding.
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